Teacher Trainings
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
lern as if you were to live forever."
Our training courses are geared towards the wholeness of our natural being and thus reflect our motto Breathe, Move, Feel. We breathe. We move. And sometimes we simply need to rest and sleep. In all of this, we experience and feel ourselves and draw on our own healing potential.
In our Breath Coach Training you will learn how to guide other people back into healing breathing and use its therapeutic power. In the Body-and-Breath-Principles we combine different approaches to healthy movement with a wide range of breathing experiences. And our Yin-Yoga & Yoga-Nidra-Training guides you into inner stillness with your breath, body and mind.

Certified Breath Instructor
Therapeutic Breath Work based on the Buteyko Method
Course Language: German
The breath is a powerful tool for more health, well-being, focus and inner peace. At the same time, when systematically trained and used, it has great therapeutic power for various chronic illnesses such as asthma, anxiety, anxiety disorders, depression, sleep problems, states of exhaustion and much more. In this training, you will explore your own breath as well as learn how to safely and competently guide other people into a healing breathing process. This compact training imparts the theoretical uand practical knowledge to enable you to start your own coaching work competently and successfully.

Body & Breath Principles
Keys to Lomg-Term Health of Body and Mind​
Course Language: German
Many people encounter problems in their own practice or when working with clients that seem impossible to overcome, even with a lot of time and dedication. These can be both mental and physical in nature, such as inner restlessness, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic pain, asthma, sleep disorders and much more.The Body-and-Breath Principles create a deeper understanding of the causes of these problems and how they can be overcome. They are therefore a key to long-term health of body and mind. This training combines body and breath work in a unique way. You will be given important tools for both topics that you can use in your own classes or when working with clients.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra
Immersion and Continuing Education
Course Language: German
Dive deep into the silent practices of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra - a special format that is both immersion and education. You will not only explore these practices for yourself, but also learn how to pass them on to others in your own way. In addition to plenty of practice, you will also gain an insight into the theoretical and didactic aspects of these methods.